Thursday, April 30, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven for 14 yr old hit by car in Lakewood

Please daven for Noach Tzvi ben Gittel, who is listed in very serious condition after being hit by a car while riding his bicycle in Lakewood.

[Aneinu] Please take Shabbos in early as a zchus for Shalom Daniel ben Leah

The Ray family urgently requests that everyone take in Shabbos ten minutes early, as a zechus for a refuah shleimah for Shalom Daniel ben Leah. This Shabbos especially, but we'd like to continue as long as necessary. Please pass this message on to everyone you know. We should hear besurot tovot!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven

From an Aneinu member: Please daven for my grandson who is in the hospital with an infection. YEHOSHUA NOACH ben CHASIAH ROCHEL.


Judaism emerged as an answer to a series of questions:How can finite human beings be connected to an infinite God?How can they be connected to one another?The answer is through words,words the communicate bind.Loshon hora by poisoning language destroys the Judaic vision.When we speak disparagingly of others we diminish them.That is why why the Sages take loshon hora so seriously.Never take language lightly implies the Torah.It is as essential to our survival as te air we breathe.(For the rest of this divar torah look in Covenant and Conversation Vayikra pages 201-206)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Schottenstein Edition Sefer Hachinuch / Book of Mitzvos - Volume #7 Beha'aloscha - Va'eschanan: Mitzvos 380-427 IS AT KESHER STAM

The Jan Czuker Family Elucidation of the Torah's Commandments Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece. The author lists all 613 Commandments following the weekly Torah Readings. He explains the source of each mitzvah, suggests a reason for it and the lesson it contains for us, and provides a summary of its laws. Chinuch gives expression to the essence of the mitzvos in a manner that speaks to the heart of the Jew. No other work approaches it in presenting the grandeur and majesty of the 613 Mitzvos. Thanks to the gifted scholars of ArtScroll/Mesorah, English readers — scholars and laymen alike — can now study and understand Sefer HaChinuch with clarity and in depth, as never before. The Hebrew text, authoritatively researched by Machon Yerushalayim, is newly vowelized. Every word and phrase is translated and explained, following the pattern of the ArtScroll Schottenstein Talmud. Notes explain the background and concepts. Sources of the laws are cited and explained. References to other works and classic halachic sources are provided for those interested in further research. Illuminating "Insights" reveal broad dimensions of the mitzvos. An Overview discusses the inner meaning and spiritual uplift of the mitzvos.(From Artscroll)

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Rikel bat Tzivia Surgery Monday

Our mother, Chicagoan Mrs. Rita Kirshner, is having a delicate surgical procedure done IY"H on Monday. We would like to ask our friends to daven on her behalf. Our understanding is that the most powerful Tehillim is perek kuf yud tes (119). If you are a principal, could you have as many students as possible say this form of tehillim? For younger grades, please have them say their regular tehillim as a zchus for her refuah shlaima.

Friday, April 24, 2015

OU TORAH and THE BAIS HAVAAD THE DAF IN HALACHA KESUVOS DAF 80 Assets in Wife's Name: Modern Sources By Rav Yitzchak Grossman

Rav Yitzchak Grossman brings various shilas about putting property in the wife's name.The Poskim say beis din should investigate why he did it.Click here for the rest of the shiur.

[Aneinu] Please Daven

Please daven for a refuah shlema for a Chicagoan, Chana Frayda bas Nechama Gittel.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ksubos Daf 43 – Katlonis Part 2 By Rabbi Moshe Elefant

Rabbi Elefant brings the Poskim who say there no din of katlonis in Eretz Yisrael(Yom Haatzmut connection).for the rest of the shiur click here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven for the Kalever Rebbe

Tefillos for the Kalever Rebbe The Kalever Rebbe, Rav Moshe Taub, is in need of rachamei Shomayim after being hospitalized in Manhattan. The Rebbe, who resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, has been battling serious illness for a while and his condition has deteriorated. The Rebbe is the sixth rebbe in the direct succession of Kaliver admorim. He immigrated to the United States as a child shortly after World War II. His father, Rav Menachem Shlomo, was a Holocaust survivor who rebuilt the Kalever chassidus, which had been decimated by the Nazis, after the war in Brooklyn, New York. Upon his father’s passing in 1978, the present Rebbe assumed the position of Kaliver Rebbe, and under his dynamic leadership, his kehillah has enjoyed astounding growth and remarkable success. In addition to leading the institutions built by his father, the Rebbe has devoted his life with endless self-sacrifice to visiting and traveling all over the globe where there are Jewish communities to be mechazeik Yidden on a communal and individual basis. For the last thirty years, the Rebbe has been reaching out to Jews of all stripes, his mission being solely to see Yiddishkeit strengthened and sanctified. All are asked to daven for Rav Moshe ben Reizel l’refuah sheleimah. {Gavriel Newscenter}Click here for article