Monday, August 31, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Procedure Tuesday

Please daven for Brocha bas Ita, a very special woman, an elderly Chicagoan who is having a difficult procedure tomorrow, Tuesday.

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Sept. 7

Please daven for Chaim Gavriel Dovid ben Ella, who will be having surgery on Sept. 7.

OU TORAH Nazir Daf 8(7): The Correct Time To Say Tefilas Haderech By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Rav Grunwald says parsah 72 minute travel away from city say tefillas haderech not follow this opinion go by distance not time.Poskim tefillas haderech because of danger of traveling but today safe drive 3:00am.Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach no obligation tefillas haderech.Danger of car accident but Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach Chazal not enact this not enough sham HASHEM say during shomia tefilla.Other Poskim are worried for this. Look at road traveling on.Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach no tefillas haderech for going Bnei Brak to Yerushaliem but Rav Shach disagrees . Brooklyn to Monsey no tefillas haderech.Rav Shternbauch say it at begining of travel avoid problem Rashi already traveled a parsah.Chazonish can say tefillas haderech safek car accidents.Tefillah add in save from accidents.Click here for the rest of the shiur.

[Aneinu] Please say Tehillim - Surgery NOW!

chaya roiza bas malka From an Aneinu member: My aunt in NY is having a heart surgery at 2:00 pm. Please send out a request for tehillim.

Aneinu Please say Tehillim ICU

Please say tehillim for Yosef Zelig ben Pauline who is unresponsive in the icu.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven - Surgery Tonight

Please daven for the son of an Aneinu member, Aharon Boruch ben Chana Royza, who will be having surgery tonight at midnight, Chicago time, which is 8 AM Monday morning in Eretz Yisroel. Please daven taht his hospitalization, surgery and recovery should be with haztlacha and without complications.Thank you and Tizku L'mitzvos.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Newborn

Please daven for the grandchild of an Aneinu member, Tinok Ben Chaya Mushka.

[Aneinu] Tefillos Needed - Massouda Rochel bas Miriam

From an Aneinu member: A friend of mine needs to undergo surgery on Monday and she is very nervous. If people can daven for her it would be a big chesed. She doesn’t have a support group. Her name is Massouda Rochel bas Miriam thank you.

[Aneinu] Please Daven

Please daven for the nephew of an Aneinu member, Nachum ben Shifra Hinda.

[Aneinu] Update on Rav Zev Leff & Requests for Tefillos fromEretz Yisroel

Correction: Yaakov Shlomo ben Gittel BS"D Dear Daveners: We have to put the "pedal to the metal" ASAP for: 1. Doniel ben Ilana a fifteen year old boy who has contracted a virus or bacteria which has attacked most of his vital organs, R"L, please keep him in your tefillos and recite as many perakim of tehillim for a refua for him. 2. Shlomo Ben Gittel (a friend of mine's husband) who had been doing very well, but the pancreatic cancer has returned, and he needs a refua/yeshua (please daven and say tehillim for him for the next 4 months). 3. Henna Rasha bat Yitta Ratza (Reb. Machlis) is in dire need of a refua/yeshua. (Please daven and say tehillim for her for the next 4 months). Update on Rav Leff Schlita: Rec'd from third party: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Hazen >; D at e: 2015-08-26 12:16 GMT+03:00 Subject: upd at e on Rav Leff To: Moshav list <> I was just at the hospital and was able to go in to see the Rav together with the Rebbetzin for a few minutes. He recognizes everyone around him, was able to hold my hand and to signal or try to spell with his hand certain short messages. He remains on a respirator in the ICU while continuing to show small amounts of improvement. There will be an at zeres teffilla tonight at the Kotel (see Meir Migdal's email). We will try to organize transport at ion if it is needed, therefore please call Meira (054-6720306 or 9144737) by 2pm. If you are in need or are able to provide transportation. Eli Please daven for Zev Yaakov Moshe ben Chaya

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Aneinu Please Daven Rabbi Leff Critical

Please daven and say Tehillim for Rabbi Leff, Zeav Yaakov Moshe ben Chaya, In critical condition at Tel Hashomer Hospital. He was taken to the hospital on Friday night with a sore throat, difficulty breathing and eating. His throat was swollen from infection. The infection spread to the Lungs and kidneys. 

Aneinu Please Daven

Please daven for Sarah Adina Bracha bas Rochel, daughter of Doug and Rebecca Bassman of West Rogers Park who just went into surgery. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

OU TORAH Nazir Daf 2: Introduction to Maseches Nazir By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Rav Greenwald brings the Zohar who says the nazir is rectifying the sin of Adam Harishon.He is in a different relm.That's the connextion of parshas Naso to nazirus Shimshon.Click here for the rest of the shiur.


1.Krias shema in any language you need to understand what your saying but in lashon hakodesh you dont have to understand what you are saying.The B"H says it needs to be in the lasnguage of the land.The Poskim say you need to be careful withe name of HASHEM in lashon hakodesh or in a foreign language.The Pnei Yehoshua asks what should you if your not sure if you said the wrong bracha say it again in aramiac but the Chasam Sofer and RA"E disagree. 2.Why gemara Sotah not b/4 Nazir?1 answer is gemara Nedarim and Nazir are Similar.The Imrei Emes answers stop doing avairos then do mitzvos unfortunately that doesn't happen don't wait to stop doing avaros to do mitzvos 1st do mitzvos and then you will no0t do avara of sotah. 3.The Chasam Sofer says our gemara says Torah she bal pe is more beloved is why we teach our children Torah she bal pe b/4 Torah she biksav.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

YU TORAH Rav Eisenstein last daf Nedarim Daf 91 insight

The end of the mssechta teaches us the importance of hilchos yichud.


1.Rabbi Elefant brings the Poskim who say a get is given with no strings attached under all circumstances. 2.The end of the gemara brings the pasuk Stolen waters which are sweet.Rabbi Elefant and Rabbi Rosner both bring the Chasam Sofer who says the pasuk can be interpreted stealing time to learn that brings gishmak or is the sweetest Torah. 3.Rabbi Elefant ended the shiur with this we all should be in the category of knowing what to say and then HASHEM will listen to what we pray for.