Monday, May 29, 2017

[Aneinu] Shavuos Segulos

As told by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi shtichye’: No getting angry on Shavuot! The AriZal writes that whoever gets angry on Shavuot reduces his Torah for the whole year!!! The wisdom he is supposed to get is reduced. Read tehillim on Shavuot before going to sleep and fall asleep while reading. Wake yourself up and continue to read a bit more tehillim until you keep falling asleep. Then close the tehillim and go to sleep. It is as if you are still reading Tehillim while you are sleeping. Our tehillim is like 5 Chumshei Torah. Decorate your home with greenery. Place flowers on either side of your entrance doorpost to your home and recite the passuk from Tehillim 92:13 through the end 16, “Tzaddik k’tamar….” Have the intent that your children should be decorated with righteousness and grown straight in the Torah path. Put a dish on honey on the dining table from the beginning of the Chag until the end. The Torah is sweet as honey; may it be Hashem’s will that we have that sweetness always, Amen. Say new Torah insights as much as possible during the evening and morning seudot. It is a segula that the wellsprings of wisdom will be renewed for us the whole year. After the meal Shavuot evening the Heiliger Alshich ztk’l teaches give a giant prayer for coupling and closeness of heart. Ask for your true love match and if you are already married for Shalom Bayit. This is the night when Leah Imeinu goes out to meet Yaakov after giving the mandrakes dudayim to Rachel Imeinu. From then on she becomes his married wife and Yaakov loves her immensely. That night she conceives Yissachar. Wisdom and Torah are only possible when a great strong bond connects husband and wife! In the morning Mothers should go over to her children and cover their heads with a small towel or blanket and bless them while they are sleeping the Birkat HaCohanim, the Priestly Blessing. Just as Hashem covered all of Ahm Yisrael’s head with a cloud in the morning at the time the Torah was given (the Rokeach). When the Aseret Hadibrot are read in shul it is as though we are personally receiving them once again. Healing comes down to the world and so it is the time to ask for a refuah shleimah for all. In the afternoon, daven for all of Ahm Yisrael who has gone astray from the Torah path. On Shavuot afternoon, Batya Pharoah’s daughter reaches out and saves Moshe Rabbeinu from the Nile moments before he was going to drown. Since then, at that time, it’s possible to pull out the great terrible metaphoric Nile from those children or relatives who have gone far, far away, r”l. WISHING EVERYONE AN EMUNA FILLED CHAG ENVELOPED WITH A SHOWER OF LOVE AND KISSES FROM HASHEM YITBORACH!!! From Daily Dose of Emunah

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Aneinu Tefillos Needed

Please daven for Naftali Meir ben Sara Esther, a Chicagoan who is currently in the emergency room after being injured while working with a tool. Please daven that he should have a refuah shlema and no residual effects from the accident. Urgent Tehillim Request for Today

Dear Naaleh Friends, Urgent tehillim request for two young men having surgery today: Abba ben Zeeva Elchonon Shmuel ben Yael Minna The Naaleh Crew

CHABAD.ORG Day One of Week 6: Chesed of Yesod 36th Day of the Omer (21 Iyar) By Simon Jacobson

Week Six - Yesod Bonding is the ultimate emotional connection. While the first five qualities (love, discipline, compassion, endurance and humility) are interactive, they manifest duality: the lover and the beloved. The emphasis is on an individual's feelings, not necessarily on mutuality. Bonding, on the other hand, is a complete fusion of the two. Without bonding no feeling can be truly realized. Bonding means connecting; not only feeling for another, but being attached to him. Not just a token commitment, but total devotion. It creates a channel between giver and receiver. Bonding is eternal. It develops an everlasting union that lives on forever through the perpetual fruit it bears. Bonding is the foundation of life. The emotional spine of the human psyche. Every person needs bonding to flourish and grow. The bonding between mother and child; between husband and wife; between brothers and sisters; between close friends. Bonding is affirmation; it gives one the sense of belonging; that "I matter", "I am significant and important". It establishes trust - trust in yourself and trust in others. It instills confidence. Without bonding and nurturing we cannot realize and be ourse lves. Bonding channels all five previous qualities into a constructive bond, giving it the meaning "foundation". Whereas all other human feelings are individual emotions, separate stories of a building, each a necessary component of human experience, bonding channels and integrates them all into one bond which creates a foundation upon which the structure of human emotions firmly stands. Bonding is giving all of yourself not just part; it is not one emotion but all of them. So Yesod completes the spectrum of the first six emotions. The foundation of Yesod is different from an ordinary foundation. It does not just rest beneath the higher levels of the structure, but encompasses them all. An effective bedrock of the emotional psyche cannot remain separate but must include and permeate all the emotions. Only then can bonding be constructive and everlasting.