OU TORAH YU TORAH and NAALEH.COM Awareness – Acceptance – Attachment By Shira Smiles

Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein Bnei Yisroel were finally out of Egypt. They had arrived at the foot of Mount Sinai where they were destined to receive the Torah. Although Hashem had obviously interacted with them before and had acted on their behalf, Hashem now instructs Moshe to make a “formal introduction”. In this introduction, Hashem is reminding Bnei Yisroel that He is not a stranger to them.; “You have seen what I did to Egypt, and that I have borne you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Me.” This introduction is then followed by the terms of the covenant Hashem is now establishing with Bnei Yisroel. Our Sages see three stages of our relationship with Hakodosh Boruch Hu in this introduction. Each stage is interpreted by Rashi and then expounded upon by other commentators. The first stage, Rashi points out, is that Hashem is not really a stranger to Bnei Yisroel. You personally have seen what I have done to Egypt. It was not told to you by your parents. As Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch adds, Bnei Yisroel’s awareness of Hashem is not a matter of faith, but of actual experience. It is this same language, “You [yourselves] have seen…” that Hashem later uses to remind Bnei Yisroel of how He spoke to us personally at Har Sinai. In this way, our salvation from Egypt and our accepting the Torah are forever linked, by our personal awareness and witness to both. In both of these experiences, adds Rabbi Beyfus in Yalkut Lekach Tov, we saw the hand of God involved in our lives. This is knowledge we carry deep within our core and is the cornerstone of our religion. Therefore, it is commanded that we teach our children and all future generations about both these events, our leaving Egypt and our stand at Sinai, and mentioning both daily in our prayers. Both these events were part of the process of granting Heavenly existence to Klal Yisroel, adds Rabbi Schmeltzer in Heart of Emunah.

VBM Two Aggadot Concerning the Giving of the Torah Harav Yaakov Medan

The (Relative) Height of Mount Sinai "A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan" (Tehillim 68:16). R. Natan said: Since the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to give the Torah to Israel, Carmel came from Aspamia and Tavor from Beit Eilim… This one said: I was called Mount Tavor. It would be fitting for the Shekhina to rest upon me, for I am higher than all the other mountains, and the waters of the flood did not come down on me. And this one said: I was called Mount Carmel. It would be fitting for the Shekhina to rest upon me, because I was placed in the middle, and they crossed the sea over me. The Holy One, blessed be He, said: You have already been disqualified before Me because of your haughtiness! You are all disqualified before Me… All of the mountains began to thunder and to collapse, as it is stated: "The mountains quaked at the presence of the Lord" (Shoftim 5:5). The Holy One, blessed be He, said: "Why look you askance [tirtzedun]" (Tehillim 68:17)? Why do you wish to be judged [tirtzu ladun] with Sinai? You are all "mountains of peaks [gavnunim]" (ibid.). As it is stated: "Or crook-backed [gibben], or a dwarf" (Vayikra 21:20). "At the mountain which God has desired for His abode" (Tehillim 68:17) – I desire nothing but Sinai, which is lower than all of you, as it is stated: "I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit" (Yeshayahu 57:15). And it is written: "For though the Lord be high, yet he regards the lowly" (Tehillim 138:6). (Midrash Tehillim 68) This aggada describes various mountains – Tavor and Carmel – and the verse with which the exposition opens mentions also the Bashan (perhaps a reference to Mount Chermon). All of these mountains saw themselves as worthy candidates to be the mountain upon which the Torah would be given, but God chose Mount Sinai, the lowest of the mountains, precisely because of it lowliness and humility.

OU TORAH Parshas Yisro By Rav Moshe Twersky, HY"D

The fact that Yisro and Mishpatim – two of the parshiyos in the Torah that describe Matan Torah (the giving of the Torah on Sinai) – are read in the middle of the winter is quite advantageous. It affords us the opportunity to reassess our commitment to the mandates of the Torah well before the Yomtov of Shavuos. That said, it is appropriate to clarify and examine the purpose of Matan Torah. There is a well-known statement of the Gra in his commentary on Mishlei (22:19) which has aroused a great deal of curiosity amongst the later commentators. The Gra asserts that the goal of Matan Torah is to facilitate acquiring the attribute of bitachon (trust in Hashem). This seems to be a tremendous chiddush! One would certainly have thought that the primary aim of Matan Torah is to enable Jews to learn Torah, or perhaps to become fully-committed servants of Hashem. And, of course, these rationale are indeed true; yet, the Gra nevertheless singles out bitachon! Perhaps we can understand this as follows. Essentially, Torah is the declaration of ratzon Hashem, the will of the Almighty Creator of the Universe. It is our reference book, if you will, of the Divine will. What it is that Hashem wants out of this whole creation that He created. Torah is the guidebook of instructions for how Hashem wants us to act in this world. But not only in this temporal realm. Equally, it is the expression of the will of Ha’Kadosh Baruch Hu in all of the olamos, for every realm and level of existence that He brought into being and sustains constantly. Rav Chaim Volozhiner, in Nefesh Ha’Chaim (4:27), writes that the Torah travelled down through all the upper worlds until it was given to us as in its this-worldly version. Nevertheless, elaborates Rav Chaim Volozhiner, the Torah retains its essential purity and loftiness that finds expression in the higher worlds. One could thus sum up the basic definition of Torah with the phrase “Torah is ratzon Hashem”. In the higher, spiritual worlds, ratzon Hashem refers to Hashem’s absolute sovereignty. In our physical world, in addition to Hashem’s absolute kingship and control, ratzon Hashem is directed at us. Namely, in terms of the instructions it provides regarding the myriad specifics of how we are meant to utilize our free will to become the best servants of Hashem that we can possibly be. The fact that we don’t always perceive the ratzon Hashem in this world is a function of Hashem deliberately hiding His presence which creates a limitation on our perception of Hashem’s involvement in the world, which, in turn, ensures there will in fact be room for man to exercise his power of free will choice. So, in essence, as one internalizes the overarching missive of the Torah, he is in fact thereby becoming a baal bitachon, a person who trusts in Hashem. True Torah there cannot be without bitachon. Torah is synonymous with the reality that ratzon Hashem encompasses the entire world. Hashem is pulling the strings in every detail of this world and in all of the cosmos, and higher spiritual realms. In a very real sense, then, the basic message that the Torah conveys is that everything that happens to us is with an all-embracing hashgacha pratis (Divine providence). The Torah is one hundred percent, from the beginning until the very end, conveying ratzon Hashem. To not grow in one’s bitachon as one learns and upholds the Torah is to be missing out on an integral part of what Torah is all about. (Audio recording)

Aneinu Please Daven Critical

I received the following: Sadly my husband's grandmother, Shaindel Shayna Raizel bas Pesha Nechama, passed away today...Thank you for your tefillos

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Aneinu Please Daven Surgery Soon

Please daven for a refuah shlema for Rabbi Shimshon Moshe ben Bat Zion Malka who is having surgery soon.

Aneinu Please Daven Icu

Please daven for Shira bas Chana Leah in critical condition in ICU sixteen year old 

Aneinu Tefillos Needed Critical

Please daven for Chaim Dovid ben Rivka. Situation very critical. Thanks

Or Naava Please Daven

As many of you are aware, Rabbi Chaim Tuvia and Daphne Hanson's son, Yisroel Meir needs a refuah shelama. BH we have seen amazing yeshous and miracles. But we still have much to daven for. Rabbi Wallerstein and the entire staff of Ohr Naava kindly ask that everyone continue to daven and say Tehillim for Yisroel Meir ben Daphne Bruria. Daphne has specifically asked that everyone please concentrate and be extra careful while saying Asher Yatzar. In this zechus, may we see a complete Refuah Shelamah and share many Besoros Tovos.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Collive.com Please Daven

Rabbi Zalmen Baras from Cincinnati was transferred this week to a hospital in Minnesota where he is undergoing medical treatment. Please say Tehillim. Message from the family of Rabbi Zalmen Baras: Rabbi Zalmen Baras (from Cincinnati) was transferred this week to a hospital in Minnesota where he is undergoing medical treatment. The doctors are doing their part, but we need to do our part in adding in Torah, Teffila and Tzedaka in his zchus.  Please take upon yourself an additional kvius in learning, a few additional kapitelach Tehillim daily, an amount of money to give to Tzedaka and/or any other hachlata for his refua.  The Rebbe's brocho to him will surely come true; let's take a part in materializing the brocho.  His full name is Chaim Shneur Zalmen ben Miriam. His Kapitel in 38. Please spread the word - each additional hachlata tova will surely have an impact.

Aneinu Tehillim Needed! Please Daven

Please daven for a former Chicagoan, Miriam bas Masha Ella who is very ill and needs tefillos for a refuah shlema. 

Fwd: [Aneinu] Wind Chill Advisory

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.

-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 1/24/19 12:44 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: myysbyy@aol.com
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Wind Chill Advisory

Wind Chill Advisory

Dear Neighbor,

The National Weather Service has issued a Wind Chill Advisory for Chicago. Wind chill values of 20 below zero to 30 below zero are expected to start this evening and last until noon on Friday. Cold weather is then expected to continue through the weekend.

The combination of cold air and wind we will experience tonight poses a severe risk of frostbite and hypothermia. Please take all necessary precautions when leaving your home. Wear several layers of loose, warm clothing, and always keep your head, hands and feet covered when outdoors. Please also remember to check regularly on the well-being of friends, relatives and neighbors who live alone, especially the elderly and those with disabilities.

The City has outreach teams on-duty during weather emergencies. These teams make home visits to check on the elderly and others who may suffer from extreme temperatures. Anyone needing assistance, or who is concerned about a neighbor, relative or friend, can call 311 to request a well-being check.

Stay warm and stay safe.

Debra L. Silverstein
Alderman, 50th Ward
Address: 2949 W. Devon Avenue
Phone: 773-262-1050
Fax: 773-381-2970
Hours: M-T 9am-4:30pm; F 9am-3:30pm
Ward Night: Monday 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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