Fwd: Business Halacha Daily

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From: yaakov c <agentemes4@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 3:24 PM
Subject: Fwd: Business Halacha Daily
To: mates57564 agentemes@blogger. com <mates57564.agentemes@blogger.com>

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From: Bais HaVaad Halacha Center <info@baishavaad.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021, 2:11 PM
Subject: Business Halacha Daily
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>


Question: A worker in the wholesale industry has been working for weeks trying to close a deal with a new client. His competitor hears about it through the grapevine and decides he wants to try to get that contract for himself. Is he allowed to try to do that?

HaRav Chaim Weg

Answer: There is a concept in halacha of "ani mehapech becharara," which literally means that a poor man is exerting effort in an attempt to get a hold of a cookie. The Gemara says that if a second person would jump in and grab the cookie before the first person can reach it, he would be called a rasha, a wicked person. Since the poor man has already made efforts to obtain this cookie, even though he hasn't actually made a kinyan (act of acquisition), halacha requires others to desist from trying to get it and leave it for the poor man.

This Gemara is an analogy for any case where one person is trying to acquire a certain object or deal and someone else grabs it first. If conditions are met to forbid one from doing so, he would be considered to be acting incorrectly and he would be labeled a rasha.

In this particular case, we must define clearly what constitutes an effort on the part of the first worker, and at what point would we say that one person has exerted sufficient effort to make a deal that anyone who subsequently grabs the deal away is considered a rasha?

The Rema rules that once a price has been agreed upon between buyer and seller and all that is missing is the kinyan, another buyer may not mix in and offer a higher price. If they are still haggling over the price, there is no prohibition for someone else to come along and break up the deal by offering a better price.

The Prisha disagrees and says that if two people are negotiating a deal and are still haggling over the price, but it is quite clear that they just have to iron out the details and will eventually reach an agreement, it is forbidden for someone else to interfere. If the buyer is listening to the offer but still accepting other bids and the product is still very much on the open market, even the Prisha would agree that in this case there is no problem of ani mehapech becharara. The Aruch Hashulchan rules like the Prisha and says that once negotiations for merchandise have reached a point of only haggling over the details, one should not infringe and try to grab the deal.

Thus, the answer to the question would be dependent on how far along the negotiations are. If the two sides have worked out an agreement and all they still need to do is sign a contract, it would be forbidden to interfere according to all opinions. If a deal is imminent but they are still working out the details, the Rema would rule that it is forbidden to interfere, while the Perisha and Aruch Hashulchan would forbid it. If the negotiations are still at an earlier stage and it is not at all clear that a deal will be worked out, everyone would agree that there is no prohibition to interfere.
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FW: [aneinu] Inspiration | Thoughts on Miron Tragedy

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 4/30/21 2:57 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <myysbyy@aol.com>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Inspiration | Thoughts on Miron Tragedy

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Yeshiva Ateres Shimon is located in Far Rockaway NY. The yeshiva has a student body of more then 200 students who are young working men ages 17- 120. There are many different groups, shiurim and study partners that come learn in the Yeshiva throughout the day. Our early morning learning starts at 5:45 am and our late night learning can go as late as 11:00pm
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FW: [aneinu] Say your Tehillim on Shabbos - Covid List

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 4/30/21 1:35 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <myysbyy@aol.com>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Say your Tehillim on Shabbos - Covid List


Dear Aneinu Members,

Klal Yisroel is in shock after the horrific tragedy in Meron last night. There are no words that could possibly encompass the immensity of our loss. So many beautiful neshamos have been taken from us. Some of the finest and best gems of Klal Yisroel have been snatched away and we are left bewildered, numb and speechless. The fact that it took place on Lag B'Omer makes it even more incomprehensible. Our Gedolei Yisroel have made the following suggestions:

  • Light Shabbos candles 5-10 minutes earlier than usual.
  • Make at least one bracha per day with extra kavana.
  • Arrive to davening a few minutes early.
  • Commit to improving and refining our speech.
  • Every person should do some introspection and commit to elevating themselves in a meaningful way. Making the commitment is what matters.

Also, as Rav Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin writes in his sefer, The End Illuminated, Volume 2, "...We must do teshuvah, strengthen ourselves in the recognition of ein od milvado-turning only to Hashem for help, and we must beg for the revelation of Mashiach, Malchus Shamayim and the Beis Hamikdash, and then we will be zocheh to "V'esa eschem al kanfei nesharim".

As you say your Tehillim this Shabbos please have in mind the injured and the families who are suffering such unfathomable pain. Please check the Shabbos Tehillim spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for:

Dovid ben Chaya Rivkah - Rabbi David Montrose
Leah bas Machla Rivka
Silka bas Miriam - Silka Raitzik
Yaakov Gershon ben Chaya Gita – Mr. Muskat
Yosef Chaim Hakohen ben Meira

Wishing you a peaceful Shabbos,
Chaya Miriam

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Fwd: The Reward of Return

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From: Ki Heim Chayeinu <info@kiheimchayeinu.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2021, 9:12 AM
Subject: The Reward of Return
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

The Reward of Return
Rabbi Paysach Krohn
E3, The Reward of Return

Even his father, אדם, was baffled at his joy. But he explained: "I did תשובה, and my punishment was lightened." אדם's immediate reaction? "Mizmor Shir L'Yom Hashabbos." What's the connection between תשובה and Shabbos? Join Rabbi Paysach Krohn as he intertwines enlightening commentary and fascinating stories to explore the answer. You'll hear about the Nesivos Shalom's hint, how Shemiras Shabbos made a Mexican architect wealthy, and how each of us can return - and reap the reward.
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
E8, Setting the Atmosphere

The way we bring in Shabbos has much to do with how it will unfold. How can we ensure it will be a Shabbos of closeness to Hashem, and how can we impart this to our children? Rebbetzen Smiles gives us some ideas as to how we, the women, can create the warm environment of Shabbos for our children and families.
The Music of The Siyum:
Holocaust Tribute Medley
When We All Danced
Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...)
Ben Yomo:
BBQ Grills
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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