Saturday, November 30, 2024

Fwd: News and Happenings at the Bais HaVaad

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From: Bais HaVaad Halacha Center <>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2024, 7:44 PM
Subject: News and Happenings at the Bais HaVaad
To: <>

Rosh Chodesh Kislev, 5785

Recent Happenings at the Bais HaVaad:

Advance Yorucha Campaign Launches This Sunday

Since its inception, Yorucha has revolutionized the study and application of business halacha, reaching communities worldwide. The Advance Yorucha Campaign, our annual one-time fundraiser for this program, is critical to sustaining this transformative initiative. Be part of A Revolution in Your Lifetime: Yorucha by supporting the campaign at


Bais HaVaad Dayanim Meet with Ocean County Court Justices

The Bais HaVaad Dayanim were recently invited to a meeting at the Ocean County Court House in Toms River with prominent Ocean County Court Justices, including Assignment Judge Francis Hodgson Jr., the top judge in the county, and Family Presiding Judge Madelin F. Einbinder. Rav Dovid Grossman, Rav Yehoshua Wolfe, and Rav Yehoshua Greenspan, along with other Dayanim, represented the Bais HaVaad at this important meeting. The session was called due to a growing increase in divorce and familial cases that have seen a significant overlap between the court and the Bais Din and underscored the importance of an ongoing relationship between the Bais HaVaad Rabbinical Court and the Ocean County judiciary, with a shared commitment to serving the best interests of families in conflict.

Mental Health Shiurim

The Bais HaVaad's Mental Health Division recently collaborated with the Core Mental Health Community of Practice to host an international mental health class on Sunday, November 24. The program, attended by 25 mental health providers, focused on equipping professionals with halachic tools to navigate complex mental health challenges.

Additionally, the Bais HaVaad resumed its exclusive Tuesday night Zoom shiur for mental health professionals, featuring practical halachic topics delivered by leading poskim, including Harav Sholom Kamenetsky שליט"א.

Sefer Torah for the Bais HaVaad

The Bais HaVaad is honored to announce the writing of a Sefer Torah. The project began with the Posek Hador, Rav Moshe Shternbuch שליט"א, and Harav Naftali Nussbaum, from the Gedolei HaDayanim and a member of the Nesius of the Bais HaVaad writing the first oisios.  The Gedolei HaDayanim gave over his brachos to the project and to the Bais HaVaad as a whole.

Posek Hador, Rav Moshe Shternbuch שליט"א writing an ois

Harav Naftali Nussbaum, Nasi of the Bais HaVaad writing an ois

Upcoming Yorucha Topic: The Halachos of Brokerage

Starting this Sunday, December 1, the Yorucha program will begin a comprehensive study of Dissolution and Termination. This topic will cover the halachos of חלוקת שותפות (dissolution of partnerships), סילוק פועלים (termination of employees), and related issues such as firing, quitting, and severance obligations.


Booklets being packaged to be sent to chaburos cross-country

Nationwide Shiurim Highlights

Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad

On Thanksgiving Day, Rav Dovid Grossman delivered a Hakhel shiur in Brooklyn focusing on Hilchos Yerusha. Presented in conjunction with the Daf Yomi completion of the perakim Yesh Nochlin and Mi She Meis in Bava Basra, the shiur emphasized practical applications of inheritance halacha.

Rav Yosef Kushner

Rav Yosef Kushner, Director of the Shabbos and Issurei Hana'ah Division, addressed an audience on the topic of Shabbos and Commerce during a special Legal Holiday event in Detroit, MI.

Rav Eliezer Gewirtzman

Rav Eliezer Gewirtzman delivered a shiur at Mordy's Shtiebel, focusing on the halachic intricacies of mekach ta'us (transactional errors). The shiur, held at 10:00 AM in the upstairs beis medrash, attracted a strong turnout.

Upcoming Shiurim

  • Agudah Conference:

Next week, Rav Dovid Grossman will address mental health professionals on Charging for Missed Appointments.

  • H3 Conference – Chicago:

Rav Shmuel Honigwachs will deliver a shiur on Healthcare Facilities and Responsibility to Residents.

Rav Dovid Grossman and Rav Yehoshua Wolfe will co-present on All in the Family: Partnering, Hiring, and Lending with Family.

Rav Yosef Kushner in Detroit.

Sheva Brachos for Rabbi Yehoshua Grunwald's Daughter

The Bais HaVaad had the privilege of hosting the Sheva Brachos for Rabbi Yehoshua Grunwald's daughter. Rabbi Grunwald, a valued asset to the Bais HaVaad, celebrated this joyous occasion together with his family and colleagues.

Kollel Update

The Choshen Mishpat chabura is focused on Hilchos Sechirus during first seder, delving into the halachos of rentals, and Hilchos Nezikei Mamon during second seder, addressing the laws of property damages.

The Even HaEzer chabura is studying Hilchos Kesubos during both sedarim, exploring the complex halachos of marriage contracts.

Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh HaKollel, delivering a chabura.

New Eruvin Chabura to Begin in the Kollel After Pesach

The Bais HaVaad is proud to announce the launch of a new Chabura in the Kollel, beginning after Pesach. The group will focus on the intricate halachos of Eruvin, following the order of the Shulchan Aruch. The program will be led by Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Dayan and Rosh Kollel, a renowned expert who provides hechsherim on many eruvin in Lakewood and the surrounding areas. The machzor is planned to span approximately a year and a half, providing participants with a deep understanding of this essential area of halacha.

Rav Mordechai Fuchs reviewing an eruv map.

Bais HaVaad Halacha Center | 290 River Ave. | Lakewood, NJ 08701 US

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Fwd: WATCH: Siyum Zeraim Yerushalmi in Israel

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2024, 5:05 PM
Subject: WATCH: Siyum Zeraim Yerushalmi in Israel
To: <>

If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view.

We'd like to thank Avrum & Dvora Weinfeld and Michael & Naomi Nudell for dedicating Yerushalmi Maseches Shabbos in honor of their Siyum of Seder Zeraim.

WATCH: Full Event Video of Siyum Zeraim Yerushalmi

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