Sunday, February 4, 2007

Daf yomi insights Rabbi Elefant(daf27)

  1. The gemara mentions when a kohein can say bircas kohanim whats the halacha limasea a mumer who did tishuva can do bircas kohanim bal mum can but the SA says if people can see it and be distracted he shouldnt but our kohanim are covered with a talis so there not visible so its ok miforshim make an observation. The seferBirchas Kohen , what is dicunninng? Is it avodah or standing before Hashem? So he answers that duccining is standing before Hashem. So a Kohen can't drink wine liquor or whiskey before duccining. A Kohen who is Tamei Mes can ducen. A Kohen who serves idols can't duccen because he is now standing before Hashem.
  2. Belzers dont give a bris on Sunday thats not 8th day b/c or gemora says man is weak on sunday Klazenger Rebbi argues do have bris when its not 8th day on sunday
  3. The mamad davens on Wednesday kids dont get askira askira comes b/c of loshen hora and on 4th day of creation the moon spoke loshen hora about the sun
  4. we dont fast om shabbos Safas Emes says during the week we have to elements 1gashmius 2rucnios on shabbos the rucnios part gets hanah from food Sfas Emes also says on friday night we recieve a nishama yisara and we cry why do we cry b/c of Adam sin and our sin we dont have an nishama yisara during the week

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