Friday, February 9, 2007

todays daf yomi insights R Elefant(daf2)

1.Divrei Yichezkel by learning masecta Magilla one grows in yiras shamiem
2.Ceshek Shilomo 5 times magilla says purim wich coresponds to the 5 times mishna says read magillah we see that 14th and 15th of Adar are better then other days b/c in magilla twice purim is spelled with vav rest are caser(no vav)
3. what the halacha b/4 you go to shul wife finshes davening at home can you make kidush for her R Zilberstein answers someone in city can read magilla for someone in village you can make kidush for wife
4.R Elchonon asks we see from the fact that rabanan said no shofer 4 minim that on shabbos that rabanan are alowd to be mivatel what by magilla do you need greater bes din 1R Elchonon answers something the Torah tells us to do that has competing concerns rabanan can be mavatal by magilla there isnt competing concerns so rabanan cant do anything 2Safas Emes answers midiurissa rabanan can be mivatel but dirabanan cant be mivatel b/c its needs chizuk once you mivatel it there will be no end
5.Pinei Yehoshua whats the hava amina of gemara walled cities had no purim Ramban they were not in danger b/c they were protected
6.Meshec Cacma why does Shushan read magilla on 15th of Adar b/c they werent out of danger till 15th of Adar

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