Thursday, February 8, 2007

todays daf yomi insights Rabbi Elefant(daf31)

1.Beitar the bodies didnt decompose we see its importent for nishama for body to be buried
2.Rishonim benching and wine what does it have to do with Beitar by benching we thank HASHEM appropriate that we appreciate bodies of Beitar were buried next to boneh Yirushaliem will be restored and Mashiach will come wine there was a vinyard around Beitar to protect them RAE bracha dampens spirit so your not to happy with to much wine
3.wood maracha dry 1no worms 2 very dry wood not alot of smoke
4.source of siyum finish cutting of wood is a yom tov famous Kidushas Levei people of Lita ask question atzeres is shivous not in the torah 1 reason for shivous finish count of 49 days atzeres hashba of mitzvah hold onto make siyum
5.Klazenger Rebbe siyum keep on going new masechta finish wood cutting more time to learn yosef another time
6.stop learning not proper cinuc from mother this person not take lesson from mother mother burry him not learn Toras Emecha(Torah Shel Bal Pe) mother burry him
7.Safas Emes by women borrowing clothes went from higher to lower not lower to higher look like switching clothing
8.not much to offer no buety or yichus yiras shamiyim is most importent
9.OH circle infinate no end or everyone is equal to HASHEM
RYBS no one stand in middle on Simchas Torah Hhakafos thats for HASHEM in Olam Haba

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