Thursday, February 15, 2007

yesterdays daf insights R Elefant(daf7)

1.PY yom tov of purim was immediately reading of magillah was done in 2 stages
2.RM Peshlner there were many neviem in KY if it has relevance to future generations it was recorded if not it wasnt recorded Ester said it should be ladoros always have miracles in each generation
3.R Cezkel Abramsky last pasuk in megillah Mordichi and Estergreat in history boks where are they magillah isnt a history book its yad HASHWM
4.Behag ciuv parshas zacor what if cant hear parshas zacr see from our gemara connection magiilas Ester and parshas zacor that you can be yotzei parshas zacor with magillas Ester
5.chasidsha vort kiblu limata we except something kiblu limala HASHEM helps us out
6.PY KIMU VIKIBLU they were mikabel torah excepted earlier how do yu know must be ruach hakodesh
7.Binyan Olam matanos levyonim husband and wife you can be mokabel mitzvah of matanos levyonim with them
8.R Ovadia Yosef by shalach manos need to give to friends parents rebbi not your friends but we see from our gemara your yotzei

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