Thursday, February 8, 2007

yesterdays daf yomi insights Rabbi Elefant(daf30)

1.someone eats sudah mafsekes but he plans to eat later sice hes washing its his sudah mafsekes
2.Tosfos cheese isnt a tavshil Rosh argues and says cooked cheese is a tavshil 2 different types of eggs is a maclokes if its 1 or 2 tavshils omlet with onion onion not 2nd tavshil
3.hara from Rashi who equate meat and fish have fish at a bris
4.halacha as much washing you can do during the 9 days you can do during sudah mafsekes you can also still wear leather shoes at sudah mafsekes
5.Mipharshim why children cant learn on 9th of Av b/c of rebbi enjoyment Safas Emes says when you learn you get gishmak kinnus are depressing children purpose is to learn how to read what the differance between kinnus and siddur nm is if rebbi enjoyment no difference age if child understands how to read should do kinnus
6.SM bihalacha diyan gets paid for din torah sicar batalah 9th of Av he dosnt get paid Mharsham write tishuva or work on agunah alowd to do someone who takes agunah out of tzarus like build Beis Hamikdash
7.Gra working on 9th of Av wont think about fasting

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