Sunday, February 18, 2007

yesterdays insights R Elefant(daf10)

1.if there kidusha by BH why dont we bring korbanos Stiepler says there no ciuv to bring korban Aruch Laner says no BH no rach nicoch no bring korban b/c no mizbach mizbach built with shamir worm we dont have that or tacales we dont know if are kohanim are kohanim amd were tamei
2.Miparshim ask Vayihi means tzar brig pasukim from Rus 1st why not bring from torah 1st Ester and Rus are similar by Ester feast is springboard for yishua also by Rus famine is a spring board for yishua
3. Safas Emes pasuk HASHEM saw HASHEM is midas haracamim people so bad by flood midas haracamim agreed to bring flood
4.Yavitz why gemara go up to 3rd day of creation b/c 3rd day perfect day represents good
5. Mordichi copared to kitores why kitores stos magafa Mordichi stops magafa

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