Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Six stratagies for success from CCHF

  1. start each of 10 shabbos and yom tov meals by reading Chofetz Chaim tefilla for shimiras halashon (in sefer Chofetz chaim or call CCHF office at 1845-352-3505 for a copy)
  2. learn portion of shimras halashon yomi at your table
  3. designate your yom tov meal (even when you sit together in your liveing room) as a Machsom Lafi were the entire family will avoid loshon hora as a Zachus for a refuah sheleima or a shidduch for someone there have been amazing yeshuos reported for those in need of a shidduch or recovery from illness by people who have learned Shimiras halashon yomi or take on a Machsom Lafi as a merit
  4. make an effort to say more divrei torah and sing more zemiros at your table this will not only help avoid loshon hora but make your yom yov more bueatiful and meaningful
  5. prepare topics that you can introduce to quickly pre-empt any loshon hora that might get started you might be surprised to find out how easily you can change the topic and distract a person who is starting to speak loshon hora
  6. read this ad to people at your table and get them excited about what they can accomplish as a group

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the advice, I will bn try it over pesach
