Tuesday, May 8, 2007

insights on yesterdays daf from Rabbi Elefant (daf4)

  1. Rav Elchonon ase doce lo sase(adls) by karas do avarah or be killed you should be killed shouldnt pikuch nefesh be doce lav arius gets karas pikuch nefesh is different then adls pikuch nefesh is when there no other option at this point no ciuv to be killed by arius
  2. RAE tzizis is a mitzvah kiumis who says theres adls by mitzvah kiumis Rav Elchonon we see from our gemara there is adls by mitzvah kiumis RAE disagrees when he puts garment on it becomes a mitzvah ciuvis
  3. Acronim tase lo min hasui by sicac also by tzizis with shatnez you would have to take out the shatnez then take out tzizis from garment and put them back in again sicac needs open skylight if you didnt do that its a maclokes rishonim if its a kosher sucah Rav Yitzchak Halavan says its says its kosher Rav Baruch Marunsberg says its pasul compare to tzizis with shatnez RAE its not compareable tzizis are still tzizis but the sucah isnt a sucah Pri Migadem disagrees you cant cover yourself with this garment MB says we follow the PM
  4. Mipharshim why is it asur to wear tzizis with shatnez(asur to benefit from shatnez) its a mitzvah and we dont benefit from mitzvahs Stiepler mitzvah on tzizis not the garment

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