Sunday, June 10, 2007

770 Eastern Parkway: Yes Choson? No Choson? New system will let Mispalelim know when there's a Choson in Shul
Anyone whose been to 770 knows the routine. After Chazaras HaShatz the #1 question is, "is there a Choson?". An affirmative answer and he Minyan skips Tachnun. Sometimes a Minyan will skip Tachnun based on a "Choson sighting" when in fact the Choson had already left Shul or it was a Yungerman wearing a Kapota and mistaken for a Choson!
Now, if things go as planned there will be no need to run around and look for the Choson.. All you'll have to do is look at the Umud in front of 770 and see if the special light on top is illuminated. If it is you know there's a Choson present.
Chasanim who Daven in 770 during their Sheva Brochos are kindly asked to walk up to the Umud and choose the amount of time they will be in Shul either 10 minute, 20, 30 or 60 and the light will remain illuminated for that amount of time. If they leave earlier they can shut it off.
The system was donated by the Michael Goldhirsch of Melbourne Australia, with the design and installation by Sholom Ber Goldstein.

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