Monday, June 11, 2007

daf insights for yesterdays daf from Rabbi Elefant(daf38)

  1. how to explain Rashi Shimon gets everything 1 Aruch Laner claim son 50% claim son also on other half this claim is 1 and the same not a split claim 2 Rav Chaim Brisker someone leaves yorshim each yorash entitled to entire estate but others block it(our case Shimon is certin yoresh safek is a safek absence vadi vadi yoresh gets entire estate
  2. poskim shitar amud ligvos kigavui dami(shitar is considered if its already collected) is only by shitar chov but a shitar matana is like cash Kitzos only say shitar is considered as if it was already collected if it has karka on it

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