Thursday, October 18, 2007

(Please include header and footer when redistributing this material.)_________________________________________________________________ THE DAFYOMI DISCUSSION LIST brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld[REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE TO DISCUSS THE DAF WITH THE KOLLEL]________________________________________________________________Kesuvos 029: Tosfos and Kenas of a Nesinah and KusiYaakov Chroman asked:Tosfos holds that by kucim they were garai emes b/c if they were garai arius they would be gium and not get kinas so what would Tosfos hold by a nicinaYaakov Chroman, chicago us----------------------------------------------The Kollel replies:Dear Yaakov,Nesinim converted for real. they are not Goyim. But we cannot marry them either because of "Lo Sischasen Bam" which according to one opinion is after conversion or because of the Gezeiros of Yehoshua and David.All the best,Reuven Weiner

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