Tuesday, December 4, 2007

On Sunday, December 2nd, there was an attempted abduction to a ten year old girl in West Rogers Park. The perpetrator was described as an African American male and attempted to lure the child into his green minivan.

Please discuss with your children in an age-appropriate manner what occurred, and ask what he or she would do, if Chas V’Shalom they found themselves in similar danger. PLEASE DISCUSS WITH YOUR CHILDREN HOW TO REACT TO SUCH A SITUATION. Preparation is essential to enable our children to thwart a threat.


While most abductions are committed by feuding family members, stranger abductions do occur. They are rare but so horrific that it is worth educating children how not to become a victim. In fact, although this topic is unpleasant in the extreme, experts say that not discussing it with your children is the most dangerous thing you can do.


I took an unscientific opinion poll of a group of middle school girls on the way to Bais Yaakov. I asked the following question: If you were walking down the street and a car pulled up, and the man inside pulled out a gun and said “Get in the car or I’ll shoot,” what would you do? One girl did not know, two said they would run, and one said she would get in the car! In light of these responses, it is clear we have work to do. Here is what experts recommend:

1) The most important thing we must teach kids is not to get into a car – ever. Abductors want to move their victim to what is called the “secondary crime location.” Needless to say, staying out of a car is the most important way to prevent that. This is essential for kids to learn – and it’s not always obvious to children. Therefore, we must teach children to escape immediately.

2) If the man is threatening them with a weapon, they think that cooperating is the safe thing to do. They should know a) that the man will probably not shoot; b) that if he shoots, he will probably miss, and c) that even if a bullet hits them, they will probably not get killed. Not getting into the car is primary.

3) Abductors often use lures. One is the “pet lure.” A man approaches a child and says, “Would you help me find my dog named Puffy?” I have watched hidden-camera scenes of this lure being used, and it is incredible how fast kids will follow the man.
Strangers have also lured children by saying “Your mother is in the hospital and told me to bring you there.” You should have a family code word to prove that a message originated with a parent.
The most common lure: A man pulls up to the curb and ask a child for directions. To avoid this lure, tell your children never to give directions. (“Adults should ask other adults for directions.”)

4) In all these cases, a boy or girl is vulnerable to being nabbed when they approach the car. The child should stay several “giant steps” away from the car. If a car seems to be following him or her, the child should run in the opposite direction, since the car cannot easily turn around to give chase.

5) Do your children know not to open the door before they know who’s there? They should never let anyone know they are home alone. Call 911, if necessary. Women who are alone should be prepared to scream, “Bob, get the gun.” There’s no Bob and no gun, but an intruder does not know that.

6) Shortcuts through wooded areas, alleys and construction sites are dangerous.

7) If you or your child sees a suspicious car, you should write down the license plate number. If you don’t have a pen, write it with your finger on any nearby car. The police will be able to read the imprint. Parents, make sure the car occupants know they have been seen. This often serves as a deterrent, as they want to remain invisible.

8) If abducted, children must scream. Experts say the best word to scream is “stranger,” because most people will ignore a screaming child, thinking that the adult is the parent. If the child finds herself already in the car, she should honk the horn, if possible, and grab the steering wheel to cause a car accident. Although this sounds dangerous, there is nothing more dangerous than staying in that car.

9) Parents, do not put a child’s name on his or her backpack, for all to see. That gives a predator the ability to call the child by name, as if he knows the child. Keep names inside.


Most parents tell children to beware of ‘strangers’. But the question of who is a stranger is a vexing one, because it’s hard to define to a child. Are policemen, mailmen, or clerks in the store strangers? What do strangers look like? If you ask children to draw the face of a stranger, most of them will draw a scary looking monster. Real predators do not look like those drawings. They take pains to appear friendly and non-threatening – until their trap is set.

There are no easy answers on the “stranger question.” In our close-knit community, in particular, it is common to accept rides from frum people you otherwise do not know. Talk to your kids, giving them examples of people they might encounter, including people they know by sight, asking, “Is he (or she) a stranger?”

Another tip: Don’t hire people walking through the neighborhood looking for lawns to mow. (Elizabeth Smart, the rich Salt Lake City girl abducted a few years ago, was taken by a homeless man whom the family had kindly hired for odd jobs.) Some of these people are more interested in coming back later to break into your house. Mowing the lawn just gives them an opportunity to see where the doors and windows are. (Give the job to a frum kid instead.)


There are many safety devices. The most obvious is a cell phone. If women or girls are driving a distance, it is wise for them to have a cell phone. The same is true when going a short distance. I read of a woman who was abducted in her own car. Unbeknownst to the driver, she called 911 on her cell phone but kept the phone hidden. She spoke out loud to the driver, saying, “Why are you kidnapping me? Why are you driving south on Main Street? Why are you turning left on First Street?” The police rescued her within minutes. On my cell phone, if you press 9 and Enter, the phone will automatically call 911.

Walkie-talkies for families are other useful devices. These are small radios that have from 14 to 22 channels and are great for staying in touch with your children in small areas. We use them in malls, amusement parks, camping trips, etc.

Another great item is an electronic siren. It’s the size of a beeper with a hand strap attached. If you pull on the hand strap an alarm goes off louder then anything you have ever heard. Radio Shack sells one for about $10, and there are other brands. When you pull out the hand strap, it emits a high-decibel noise. Of course, the alarm does no good tucked away in a purse. A young woman going to her parked car after college classes, for instance, would do well to hold her keys in her hand with the alarm on her key chain.

One low-tech noisemaker is a whistle. Some years ago, a frum girl got lost in a state park in Connecticut and was not found for several days. In such a situation, calling for help will not work; your voice will give out faster than you realize. On the other hand, you can whistle forever. Whistles cost less than a dollar and come with a string to wear around the neck.

In conclusion, Mom and Dad, inform your children that most people are wonderful, caring folks who love kids. Tell them, also, to listen to their instincts. Very often people have an inner voice that says danger. Heed that voice

1 comment:

  1. Most non-family abductions are commited by someone the child or his/her parents know(a neighbor, family friend, etc.). Danielle Van Dam, Ashley Pond, and Miranda Gaddis were all killed in 2002 by their trusted next-door neighbors. Parents should tell their kids not to go with ANYONE without their parents say-so, and to let them know if ANYONE, even a trusted neighbor, friend, or aquaintance, asks them to keep secrets from parents, hurts them in any way, or does or says something that makes them fell uncomfortable, confused, or scared.
