Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Commentaries on Rashi
Ben Shaw asked:

Dear Kollel Iyun Hadaf,

I have recently been using the Artscroll Hebrew Talmud and discoverd it has a supercommentary on Rashi called Likutay Rashi in the margin.

Are you aware of any other supercommentaries on Rashi for the Talmud all I can find is supercommentaries on Chumash Rashi?

Many thanks,

Ben Shaw, Manchester, England
The Kollel replies:

A number of recent editions of the Talmud include in the margins a collection of pertinent glosses of Rashi from elsewhere in the Talmud. These have been printed under the names Likutei Rashi, or Musaf Rashi, etc.

For difficult lines in Rashi, it is helpful to use the Wagshall edition of the Talmud, which organizes all of the commentaries printed in the back of the Vilna Shas in order of Dapim. Any comments on Rashi will be listed in a separate section at the end of the list of comments for each Daf.

On certain Masechtos, supercommentaries have been written specifically on Rashi. For example, "Piryo b'Ito" on Zevachim and Eruvin is a n excellent supercommentary on nearly every gloss of Rashi in the Maseches. "Sifsei Chachamim" on Megilah, Rosh Hashanah and Berachos is another excellent commentary in which a major portion of the Sefer is dedicated to explaining the words of Rashi. "Menachem Meshiv" on all of Moed and "Si'ach Yitzchak" on Yoma are the same. (In our online Bibliographies for Masechtos we usually note such works.)

Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld

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