Saturday, August 30, 2008


Brachot...Brochos...Blessings. Whatever you call them, we recite them
for so many different reasons. We say Brachot before we eat, after we
eat, for lightning, for learning Torah and for dozens of other

One danger in reciting so many Brachot is that, very often, the
reciting of these Brachot becomes a matter of rote. All too often a
Bracha is swallowed even more than the very food that one is eating!
Occasionally, one may forget to recite a Bracha or one will not be
certain if, in fact, he even recited a Bracha.

we have begun the month of Elul. The month of Elul is a
month in which we are to begin awakening within ourselves a feeling of
change, renewal and Teshuva. With the onset of Elul, we are to perform
serious acts of introspection. I am suggesting that on the second day
of Rosh Chodesh Elul (i.e., the first day of Elul) , which will
correspond to September 1, 2008, there be a concerted effort by Jews
ALL OVER THE WORLD to concentrate on each and every Bracha made that

By doing so, Jews all over the world will join together to THANK
HASHEM for His myriad of blessings that He has bestowed on each and
every one of us. IMAGINE! One singular day wherein everyone pays
attention to his/her Brachot. A day where everyone says them clearly
and slowly. A day where those who may not be very careful with
reciting brachot are propelled to do so.

In the zechut of heightened awareness of making Brachot even if only
for that one day (but hopefully more) may Hashem help all of us to do
a total and proper Teshuva.

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