Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Tzibur is requested to say Tehillim for Gavriel Noach ben Freida
Bluma, and Rivka bas Yehudis and their baby who name is moshe tzvi ben rivka(from (Story Below)

Yeshiva World
TEHILLIM NEEDED - Chabad Shaliach & Wife Missing Since Terror Attack
November 26, 2008

As soon as the news broke of the Mumbai terror attacks, YWN contacted
Chabad officials to inquire if the local Shaliach was assisting in
rescue efforts - as is the case when tragedies occur across the globe.
We also inquired if there were any Jews R”L killed and/or injured.

“We will get back to you as soon as we reach the Shaliach”, was
the response.

Several hours have passed, and the local Chabad Shliach, Rabbi
Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife Rivka cannot be located. Numerous
attempts to locate him have failed.

According to some reports, one of the bombs was detonated near the
Chabad House located on 5 Hormusji Street - Nariman House in
Mumbai’s Colaba area. Another Chabad official told YWN that there
are unconfirmed reports that the Chabad House was “taken-over by the

“We are working closely with the American and Israeli
Government’s to try and get credible information”.

“We are waiting for them to contact us,” the anxious
mother-in-law of the Shliach, Mrs. Yehudis Rosenberg told a Chabad
website. “It’s possible that the phone system in the country
crashed - which is a frequent occurrence there.”

The Tzibur is requested to say Tehillim for Gavriel Noach ben Freida
Bluma, and Rivka bas Yehudis.

[Numerous locations were attacked by gunfire and bombs - injuring
close to 1000 and killing 80.]


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