Monday, December 1, 2008

In a moving conversation with, minutes after the plane
carrying the remains of the victims took off for Israel, the Shliach
to New Delhi, Rabbi Shneur Kupchik, related a shocking detail that
became apparent at the airport. Among the items slated to be returned
to Israel, was the Sefer Torah belonging to Chabad of Mumbai which was
damaged by bullet holes, after the terrorists had fired several rounds
into the Aron Hakodesh. The bullets tore through the scroll leaving
gaping holes. When the torah was opened at the airport it became
apparent that the bullets tore near the words "
" - "And Hashem spoke to Moshe after the deaths of the
two sons of Aharon", in Parshas Achrei. "The entire delegation stood
frozen, in shock after seeing these words torn by the terrorist's YM"S
bullets" said Rabbi Kupchik in a choked voice.

This passage refers to Aaron's righteous sons Nadav and Abihu who, as
we are told earlier in Leviticus 10:1-3, were consumed by a fire that
came forth from G-d and Moses tells Aaron this is what G-d meant when
he said "I will be sanctified through those who are close to Me."

Throughout the ages Jewish Sages would use this chapter to explain
why righteous people die in unnatural deaths.

This Torah Scroll is now on its way to Israel together with Rabbi and
Mrs. Holtzberg, may G-d Avenge their blood, who sanctified the Name of

Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita

While we do not attempt to understand the way of HaKadosh Baruch Hu,
we do seek to understand events such as the Mumbai terror in the hope
of understanding what we must do, what we must take away from such

Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita on motzei Shabbos was asked how could such
an event have occurred when we know that a shaliach mitzvah is
protected, and in this case, Rav Holtzman and his wife were shlichim,
as were Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitlebaum and R’ Bentzion Chroman.

Rav Kanievsky pulled out a Gemara Shabbos and explained that the
Tzaddikim atone for the generation, a kapora for all of us – further
stating that what we must take away from this is the reality that we
must increase our efforts towards Avodas Hashem and kiyum mitzvos.
(Source:Shirat Devorah)

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