Sunday, May 17, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 21 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf Yomi-EILU METZIUS;FINDERS KEEPERS

Q:When can you keep a lost object and when do you have to return it leave it there baby pacifier going to get lost you leave it by the garbage anybody can take it
2.Totally lost from a person garbage man finds ring in garbage truck he can keep it
only once its in the garbage truck
3. lose it in a non jewish neighborhood(finders keepers losers weepers) majority non jews you keep it majority jews return it
4.find $100 wife money wife gives up husband dosnt give up return it small change Rav Elyashiv says people dont check their pockets nowadays so leave it
5. find pen metra card no siman keep it
6.less then a shava prutah 1 shoe loser worth alot finder worthless can you keep it machlokes in the poskim

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