Monday, May 18, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 22 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf Yomi - FRIENDS DONT MIND OR DO THEY

Q:Gadol goes to someone house sees food can he eat it a man sees a mitzvah item can he use it what about a women or a kid what about a non mitzvah item
A:Tosfos Kitzos KItzur and S"A Harav holds Gadol sees food he cant eat it w/o permission the Shach argues says he can eat it S"A Harav says you always borrow money from your brother you can take it w/o permission you dont always borrow need permission
you dont get permission your a ganaf S"A Harav I can borrow washing cup w/o asking if you know for sure wont lose it and he dosnt mind then its ok the Poskim say if you have the ability to ask him you should ask him if you could borrow it guy is a little bit makpid no heter like a hat Shach siman 72 M"A M"B olden days need permission to borrow sefarim might rip nowadays poskim say we have better sefaim and and alot of them S"A siman 14 you can borrow talis and tefillin w/o permission just make sure guy not makpid you stay in the shul and you put back everything the way it was except shabbos no folding talis women and children can borrow your lulav your happy there using it M"B Says no borrow sucah when your using it owner cant use it

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