Tuesday, May 19, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 23 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf Yomi - BAL TASHCHIS;THE REAL STORY

Q: A restaurant or catering hall has left over food what should they do with regards to bal tashchis and disgracing food also what about trees and plastic plates what about bread on the floor

A:S"A CH"M and Y"D bring a Rosh in gemara baba kama you have a purpose to cut down the tree we are some poskim are makal others say there is a sakana get non jew to do it a plate should not be destroyed but a plastic plates we are makal b/c it is not called waste you dont want to go to the trouble of cleaning it by a catering hall or restaurant we are makal by bal tashchis and disgracing food b/c it cost money to deal with it and Rav Shienberg and Rav Elyashiv say its not disgracing food b/c if you throw out the left overs in a bag we have many reasons to be makal by bread on the floor Pri Megadim bread is less then kizias dont pick it up S"A dosnt bring down the halacha M"B does bring it but Rav Chaim Kinevski says it means just move it to the side

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