Thursday, May 21, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 25 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf Yomi - EILU CHAYAV LEHACHRIZ

Q:How does finding a lost object nowadays work what does a yeshiva do with the thousands of lost items according to halacha is a lost and found a good idea
A:Nowadays people are not into looking for lost objects Rav Shienberg and Rav Elyashiv say if an item you find is small in value leave it there for owner to find
If it a ring then put up a sign you find money in a store you can keep it
placing something in a lost and found maybe not a good idea you need to watch it Rav Moshe lost and found has a sign people will find there objects The gedolim say a yeshiva at the end of the year should put up a sign if you dont take your sefer it becomes hefker and can be sold

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