Sunday, May 31, 2009


Please daven for Yitzchak Elchanan ben Nechama. May he have a refuah shlema b'soch sha'ar cholei Yisroel.

My friend has just informed me that her son URGENTLY needs your tefillos. He was born with a spinal tumor, which was properly diagnosed only at age one. TG it was benign, but reappeared at age 11. From that surgery he was paralyzed for quite a while, but worked hard to regain functioning. Now he is 24 – and has been found to have a tumor in the BRAIN. Now is the time to daven, while they are running the tests and hoping it will turn out to be benign. So please try to daven for Reuven Benyamin ben Cherna Rivka.

May we always share only good news.

Best wishes, Rivka

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