Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Member Of Chabad House Was Passenger On Air France Flight URGENT TEHILLIM 4

Shlomo (ben Levi) Anidjar (40), a resident of Boulogne-Billancourt, France was one of the 228 passengers aboard the doomed Air France flight that went missing over the Atlantic Ocean on Monday while en-route from Brazil to France.He is married, father of three, and a member of the local Chabad community in Paris.

The Chabad Shluchim to the region (in France & Rio de Janero) are in constant contact with the family.

One of the Shluchim told Crown Heights Info thatthe family is still holding out and hopping for his safe return, and are asking everyone to say Tehilim for Sholomo ben Levi.

(Dov Gordon - YWN)

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