Wednesday, July 8, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 73 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf Yomi- GESTURES OF GRATITUDE; RIBBIS OR NOT

(please learn this for a refua shelama for Levi Yitzchak ben Sarah Sasha, who was successfully resuscitated on Monday after being in cardiac arrest.

The Rebbe’s condition was described as critical on Monday afternoon, but on Tuesday morning, reports from Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center describe the Rebbe’s condition as serious/stable.)
Q:Is giving a present to someone who loaned you money ribis

A:If the present is not in appreciation of the loan not a big gift and not given at the time of repayment then it is not ribis but if you do not have these conditions then it is a problem of ribis

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