Friday, July 10, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 76 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf Yomi- CAMP REGISTRATION 1

Q:You commit to send your son to your neighbor backyard camp but then you find out your sister has a backyard camp you know your sister and the camp will be good for your son but you only heard that your neighbor backyard camp is good can you back out of your commitment and can your neighbor have complaints against you does do you still have to pay your neighbor

A:The Rama says there no problem of going back on your word in regards to your neighbor having complaints against you it depends if the neighbor can find another kid its not a problem but if it is difficult for your neighbor to find a kid then its a problem your neighbor can have complaints against you S"A says if you back out and they cant find work you go to Beis Din and pay them but you pay them a little less(kipoal batul)

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