Tuesday, July 14, 2009

DAF YOMI BABA METZIA DAF 79 Choshen Mishpat Through the Lens of The Daf YOMI-CAR RENTALS 2

(THIS SHOULD BE LEARNED FOR Bracha Elisheva bas Kayla AND THE Bostoner Rebbe Shlita, Levi Yitzchak ben Sarah Sasha)
Q:You rent a car and it gets totaled can you use the money from the totaled car and insurance settlement to buy a new car

A:You can use the money of the totaled car to get a new car but by the insurance settlement it depends if the owner pays the premium has something to do with the car then the renter can use the money for the new car but if the premium dosnt have anything to do with the car then the renter can not use the money for the new car if the renter pays the premium then either way he can use the money for the new car


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    Regards. William.

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