Monday, September 21, 2009

Community Notice

Please be advised that this past Shabbos, there was an attempted abduction of 2 young boys in the Rogers Park area (vicinity of Warren Park). This past week there were 2 attempts to abduct young girls in nearby Evanston.

A blue van with tinted rear windows is reported to have been used by the criminal(s) in these attempted abductions. The van's driver is described as, “male, possibly Hispanic, in his 30s, about 5-foot-10 with a heavy build...may have a “cross” tattoo on his left forearm.”

Chicago Police are advising parents to take precautions:

- Talk with your children about ‘stranger danger’. Remind your children that they are never to approach strange vehicles or persons that they do not know, no matter what kind of inducement is used. Teach your children that in the event that someone does try to speak or approach them, they should either 1) run home, 2) run to a known neighbor’s home, or 3) run to a ‘safe area’ such as a school.

- When possible, make sure that there is adult supervision when children are walking to schools or waiting for a school bus.

- If adult supervision is not possible, have children walk in groups. Offenders are less likely to approach a large group of children.

- Teach your children to avoid alleys.

- Call the police if you see or hear something suspicious. Anyone with information related to these attempted abductions should call Belmont Area detectives at 312-744-8200.

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