Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ashdod, Israel - A 2-year-old chareidi boy was R”L mistakenly run over by his father, and reported in serious condition. The tragic incident occurred on Rashbi Street in Ashdod on Tuesday. The driver, the 23-year-old dad, pulled over to the side to permit his wife and the toddler to exit the vehicle. After seeing his wife get out and distance herself from the commercial vehicle, he assumed their son was safely away as well.

He put the vehicle in reverse and suddenly, his wife began to scream uncontrollably. The father stopped the vehicle immediately and they saw their son bleeding profusely on the ground as they called for EMS assistance.

The child was transported to Tel Hashomer Hospital in serious condition after efforts were made to stabilize his condition.

Tefillos are requested for Naftali Tzvi ben Nechama.

(Yechiel Spira - YWN Israel / YWN-112)

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