Monday, November 30, 2009

Update on Reuven ben Tova Chaya

From Reuven's aunt:

Hi everyone. The last time I posted on Reuven was back in June. You have all been so kind in continuing to ask about him and daven for him. I wanted to update you as to the current situation. A couple weeks ago, Reuven started a new protocol treatment which involved chemo and some experimental drugs therapy. Today, was going to be the second round of that protocol but before they started, Reuven has a scan this morning to check on his existing tumor. Much to everyone's dismay, the tumor grew despite the chemo he has been getting. Baruch Hashem, it has not spread, but it was not the news his parents or any of us were expecting to hear. The doctors told them that due to the growth, they could not longer continue this protocol treatment, meaning the chemo was not doing the job it was supposed to be doing. In her usual manner of keeping things "normal", Tovi took Reuven home from the hospital and brought him straight to school, which he very much enjoys.

We are all anxiously waiting for what's next...what the new treatment option will be for Reuven. The situation is serious and Reuven needs our Tefillos. Please continue to pour out your hearts for him in your davening and mitzvos. Hashem is listening and little Reuven needs a Refuah Shleima Bmheira.

Forever thankful,

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