Saturday, December 5, 2009

consciously speak of only things - not people!

Their sentencing is scheduled for Monday—which means:

THAT WE SHOULD DO THIS ON SUNDAY, BECAUSE IT WILL BE MONDAY IN JAPAN!!! If we wait until Monday, we will miss the auspicious time.

Pass it on!


Dear All,
Just an important reminder to have extra kavana next Monday for the boys in the Japanese prison. Here are their names:
Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel
Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava
Yosef ben Ita Rivka

I'm sure a lot of you are as frustrated as I am not being able to do anything constructive for the Chassidishe boys sitting in jail in Japan for the last year. Their trial was a couple of weeks ago, but the verdict is forthcoming.

How about for their zechus, we all try for one day not to speak about anyone. The Chofetz Chaim writes in his book Guard Your Tongue in the Mussar Selections (#73) "A person who finds it impossible to remain silent should at least adopt an ironclad principle not to discuss other people."

On Monday, chaf Kislev, December 7th, consciously speak of only things - not people! On that day, tell your friends that you're not speaking about anyone for the express purpose of helping those boys come home. Imagine that they are your brothers or sons.

This is what we can do constructively.
We should hear besuros tovos, b'mheira!
Malka Rochel

Pass this on to your friends!

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