Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.BABA BASRA DAF 175 VALIDITY OF AN I.O.U

Q:Is an I.O.U a proper shtar can you collect from nechasim meshubadim if the other guy claim I paid you can you take out money from him is a check a ksav yad and is their a tana of I paid you

A:An I.O.U has the power of a proper shtar except you can not get nechasim mishubadim it is a machlokes the Mechaber and Rama if the guy says I paid you can you take out money from him Rama yes Mechaber no the Schach paskens like the Mechaber and we paskin like the Mechaber and Schach a check is a csav yad legal shtar but no taina of I paid you

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