Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 4 HAZMANA

(LILU NISHMAS Michoel Yechiel ben Avrohom a"h.)

Q:How and when to respond to a summons

A:3 laymen bais din summon a person he does not have to except if he doesn't say this they can put him in nedui the Mechaber says if he does not live in the city and they summon him 3 times they can put him in nedui if he lives in the city he gets 1 summons b/4 nedui Rama if he not able to come b/c he has to go elsewhere or he has an excuse he has to tell bais din this and request a new time the Rama also says he has to get a shtar tumim going The Tumim says bais din does not take action after 1 summons we rarely have nedui bais din is not required to know what claim is why he is going to bais din The Shach says if he asks for this he is entitled to know why he is going to bais din

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