Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 2 THE JURISDICTION OF TODAY BATEI DIN

Q:Can todays beis din judge kanases like kafel and 4 or 5 times

A: The Mechaber saysthe shlichim of the original mumchim gave permission to today beis din to judge davar matzui like loans kesuvas isha yerusha presents and mazik mamon but things that are not a davar matzui the shlichim of the original mumchim did not give us authority to judge them like kanases of kafel and 4 or 5 times but they can put him in nidui or if he grabs the kanases the Rosh says he can keep it the Mechaber paskins like the Rosh and says he can keep it and if they both come to beis din and say we want to be judged with kanases they can

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