Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Ahavas Yisrael email launched l"n Michoel Yech iel ben Avraham a"h

On February 16, 2010, Martin Grossman was executed by the State of Florida.
In the weeks preceding the execution, there was a remarkable outpouring of
support from Jews around the world. Jewish people of every 'label' and
stripe participated in the struggle to save Martin's life. Unfortunately,
all the efforts to save Martin's life were unsuccessful. On the morning
after his tragic death, what can we do to hold on to the tremendous
inspiration that this campaign engendered?

The demonstration of *ahavas Yisrael* and *achdus* was phenomenal.  Indeed,
Mr. Grossman's final words were… *Ahavas Yisrael*!

It is seems obvious that Klal Yisrael should strengthen itself in *ahavas
Yisrael and Bein Adom L'Chavero*. The *Beis HaMikdosh* was destroyed due to
*Sinas Chinam*, and *averos Bein Adom L'Chavero*. Certainly, an effort to
strengthen *ahavas Yisrael* will hasten the coming of Mashiach and the
rebuilding of the *Beis HaMikdosh*.

Towards this end, Linas HaTzedek: The Center for Jewish Values announces an
important new program. Today, the very day after Martin Grossman's
unfortunate death, the Center is launching a worldwide email list with a
daily learning portion of Hilchos Bein Adom L'Chavero. Participation will be
completely free. Subscribers will receive short daily emails on Hilchos Bein
Adom L'Chavero.

The material will be based on The Code of Jewish Conduct, an English guide
to Hilchos Bein Adom L'Chavero, written by Rav Yitzchak Silver under the
Center's auspices. It will also be possible to receive a Hebrew version,
from Rav Silver's Sefer Mishpatei HaShalom.

*Click **here* <>* to sign up for the Daily Hilchos Bein Adom L'Chavero or Click on this link:
Click here: Subscribe to Emailing List

*May this program be a zechus for the neshama of Michoel Yechiel ben
Avrohom a"h.*

Linas HaTzedek: The Center for Jewish Values <> was
founded in 5761/2001. The organization's programs include: The Linas
HaTzedek Kollel Network, an international group of Kollelim which study Bein
Adom L'Chavero in depth; publication of Bein Adom L'Chavero materials for
varied audiences in both Hebrew and English; shiurim and learning programs
across the globe.  Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, a world-renowned expert on Bein
Adom L'Chavero, serves as Dean and Rosh haKollelim.

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