Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Fw: Please say Tehillim for,

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From: "Becker, Devorah" <>
To: "Becker, Devorah" <>
Subject: Please say Tehillim for,
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 17:10:26 -0500

Ben Zakkai member (and former NCSY national Vice President) Meira Bressler (mother is the former Eva (Gail) Weisel from West Coast)  was diagnosed with Cancer last week. She is 27 years old, married to an amazing man, and has an adorable toddler daughter. If all my friends could PLEASE daven (pray) and say Tehillim (Psalms), or give Tzedaka (charity) in her name, it would mean the world to all of our family. Her Hebrew name is Meira Mindle bas Chava Golda.

If you would like, below is a link to sign up to say a few perakim of tehillim daily so we can complete sefer tehillim (at least once) each day. Thank you so much.

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