Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Martin Grossman's Last Words Were 'Ahavas Yisr oel'

Divrei Cizuk is sad to bring you this report 

Boruch Dayan Ha'emes

Divrei Chizuk thanks the YWN 

Martin Grossman's Last Words Were 'Ahavas Yisroel'

February 16, 2010

An Askan who worked tirelessly on the fight to save Martin Grossman's life, and was Davening outside the Florida State Prison during the execution, just told YWN what transpired during the last few seconds of Martin Grossman's life.

The Chabad Shaliach to Jacksonville Florida, Rabbi Nachum Kurinsky was with Martin.

"I would like to extend my heartfelt remorse to the victim's family," Grossman said. I fully regret everything that happened that night, everything that was done, whether I remember everything or not, I accept responsibility."

Martin Grossman then began to recite Shema Yisroel with "deep concentration" - moving Rabbi Kurinsky to tears.

When he finished Shema, he paused, and his last two words were "Ahavas Yisroel".

Please learn Mishnayos for Michoel Yechiel ben Avrohom A"H


From: Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor | New York | NY | 10004

Boruch Dayan Ha'emes.

I am writing to share with you the sad news that Martin Grossman, Michoel Yechiel ben Avrohom, olov hasholom, was executed this evening in Florida.

It would be understandable for any of us to feel not only sorrow but frustration that all our efforts didn't result in the result for which we were mispallel.

But I personally choose, even amid the pain and sorrow, to focus on the tremendous ahavas Yisroel, shtadlonus and achdus that was demonstrated by our tzibbur over recent days. I want to personally thank all of you who telephoned Governor Crist's office, or sent him e-mails and faxes, or participated in the ultimate act of ahavas Yisroel: tefilla on a brother's behalf. Your reaction to the impending tragedy was remarkable. May it stand as a zechus for his neshoma, and for all of Klal Yisroel, and hasten bi'as go'el tzedek, b'mheira biyomeinu.

Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

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