Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fw: Emergency! Tehillim conference call tonight for baal teshuva se ntece to die on Tuesday - (Please pass on to family and friends)

Pikuach Nefesh!


Please join us for


Urgent Tehilim

On a

 Teleconference call


For Michoel Yechiel ben Miriam Sorah,

 Martin Grossman


(A bal Teshuva who puts on tefilin and davens 3 times a day)

Scheduled to be executed R"L this coming Tuesday at 6PM

By the State of Florida


Call the Chazak Inspiration Line at 718-258-2008

Press 9 and then 9 to enter the conference call

At 7PM and 10:45PM


The first conference call was specifically scheduled to enable mothers to say Tehilim together with their children.


It is extremely important to contact Governor Charlie Crist at

Or Call 850 488-7146

Or Fax  850-487-0801

asking for Mr. Grossman's sentence to be commuted to life in prison.



Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation – 845-352-3505

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