Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fw: Urgent Request

We are less than 12 hours away from the scheduled execution, Rachmona litzlan, of Martin Grossman, Michoel Yechiel ben Miriam Sorah. 
There is still hope his life can be spared.  The effort to persuade Florida Governor Charlie Crist to stay the execution and grant him a new clemency hearing continues on a variety of fronts. 
Our Gedolei Yisroel have asked us to do whatever we can to help save our brother's life.  Therefore, at this moment of ne'ilas she'arim, let us continue to let the Governor know how strongly we feel about this matter.  Please, even if you have already contacted his office, call him at 850- 488-5603 to respectfully request that Martin Grossman's life be spared. 
The community's response to this tragic situation has been nothing short of overwhelming.  May our display of ahavas Yisroel, together with our ongoing tefillos, find favor in the Eyes of the King of all kings, in whose Hands the hearts of all earthly leaders reside 
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