Friday, March 12, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 27 BLOOD TESTS DNA AND POLYGRAPHS PART 2

Q:We learned in the last post Rav Ovadia Yosef says not to use DNA tests in bais din what do other poskim say is their a proof from a gemara and can you use a polygraph test in bais din can we use blood tests and DNA to matir an agunah by the World Trade Center

A:The other poskim say not to use DNA test in bais din they bring a proof from a gemara in Rosh Hashana that says you need 2 adim for a ruling Rav Shapiro says a polygraph test is not good in bais din he compares it to the gemara by a sotah she is innocent but does not want to drink the sotah water b/c she is afraid it is going to harm her even though she is innocent so to polygraphs the person is afraid the machine will make a mistake and the poskim say a polygraph is not used in bais din b/c of a safek there a 90% chance it will be right but a 10% chance it will be wrong by the World Trade Center the poskim say we can use blood tests and DNA tests to matir agunahs like the gemara that says the clothing is a proof to matir agunahs

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