Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 31 THE BAIS HAVAAD & CHOOSING A VENUE

Q:Is their a bais Havaad today(really great bais din) today and who chooses which bais din to go to

A:The Rama says there is no bais havaad today the plaintiff has to go after the defendant even if plaintiff town has way better bais din Q:#2Why

A:#2 1.Biur Hagra gemara in baba kama it is the plaintiff problem like sick person
2.Mari Bal the defendant will listen to his local rabbi and carry out his pasak 3.Divrei Malkiel if the defendant goes to the town of plaintiff not want to travel to expensive pressure
the defendant to settle Q#3 that is in 2 towns what about 2 bais dins 1 city A:The defendant chooses the bais din b/c of homtze chavero alav haria(GRA)lo palug(Divrei Malkiel Mari Bal) defendant says I establish like this rav(kim li)(Mincas Elazar)

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