Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 25 GAMING IN HALACHA PART 2

Q:We saw in the last post the Rama permits gambling are there any conditions to this what kind of gambling was the Rama referring to what do the ashkenazi poskim say about gambling and whats the heter for a chinese auction

A:The Rama says there are conditions to permit gambling 1.the money has to be in front of of us if the money is being paid later it then it is asmachta and the loser does not have to pay 2. the money the loser paying needs to be on the table not in his pocket 3.the table has to be owned by the winner and the loser these things show he is serious about giving away the money the Rama says there no asmachta by a dice player you have no idea if your going to win no skill involved but games that have skill like arm wrestling for money the winner would be a ganaf poker is pure luck and skill it is not clear if the Rama would permit it if you have confidence your going to win it is a problem no confidence your going to win the Rama would say it is not a problem the ashkenazi poskim(Rav Moshe A"H and M"B(Chofetz Chaim)) say gambling not a good idea how do you do chinese auction for tezadakah Rav Shternbauch says you dont win money but an item that is being auction off thats not genavah but pot of money could be an issue but since he wants to give it to tezdakah its ok

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