Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Please Daven

Please daven for Netanel Leil (pronounced Layl) ben Sarah Esther

Please keep my brother, Nathaniel, in your tefilot...‏
Sent: Tue 3/02/10 3:45 AM
I am not fan of these sort of e-mails.  However, this is the easiest way for me to contact those who are dear to me and the friends of mine who know Nathaniel personally.  Nathaniel is supposed to receive a liver transplant imminently.  Getting to this point has been a harrowing process, but Nathaniel and the rest of my family remain hopeful that ultimately his health will be greatly improved.  He has been "on-call" for the past week or so and was finally called this evening by the coordinators at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania to get there "within 6 hours" of the phone call.  He received the phone call two hours after he returned home from Philadephia where he and my parents camped out over the weekend so just in case he got the phone call, they would be nearby and not have to worry about driving in the severe snow storm.  He will be undergoing a very recently developed liver transplant surgery- "domino" surgery.  Basically, a young woman is next on the transplant list (she is ranked higher on the list than Nathaniel), she has a pretty rare disease, Maple Syrup Urine Disease, that disables her body from producing two (I think) enzymes.  She will receive a liver that will produce those enzymes.  Her liver is otherwise healthy.  Nathaniel's liver is not- he was diagnosed with Crohn's colitis and scelerosis colingitis (that's the liver disease) when he was 18 (maybe 19), now he is 33.  His liver was doing okay until he had a full colostomy, just about 2 years ago.  When this young woman receives her new liver, her liver will be transplanted into Nathaniel whose body produces the enzymes that the new liver won't.
Just a little bit about Nathaniel...
Nathaniel is an exceptionally kind individual.  He is a physiatrist that specializes in pain mangement and spinal chord injury.  He is a sought out doctor because he is genuinely interested in the story of his patients' lives.  He relishes and thrives on good stories.  He knows a lot of random facts.  When Chananyah has questions about space and the galaxy, about how cars and machines work, we send him to Nathaniel.  And Nathaniel is there- even during his sicker days when everything wears him out, Nathaniel comes over to sit in the middle of the Lionel trains (he got Chananyah for Chanukah) and hang out with his five year old nephew.  He has persevered under hard circumstances.  He completed medical school while his colitis was totally unmanageable.  And he contines to consistently think about others even when he is exhausted.
Please keep him in your tefilos- Netanel Leil (pronounced Layl) ben Sarah Esther.
I will keep you updated,

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