Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Special pre-Pesach shiur with Rav Fuerst

Yeshiva Migdal Torah
The Jewish Learning Center
Presents a special pre-Pesach Halacha Shiur for Men & Women
"Pesach in Halacha"
Enhance your Sedarim and increase your Yom Tov enjoyment.
Learn how and what you need to clean and prepare according to Halacha.
Also the Halachos of the Four Kosos, amounts and manner of eating
Matzah, Maror and more.
given by
HoRav Shmuel Fuerst, shlit"a
Sunday, March 7, 2010
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
2728 W. Pratt
Chicago, IL 60645
For more information, please call (773)465-7600
in conjunction with Agudath Israel of Illinois

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