Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Q:What are the different minhagim of the seder 10 makos?

A:From the ou webcast: I spoke to a talmid of Rav Yosef Ber Soloveitchik Zt"l who attended his sedarim this is what he wrote:
Of course I remember; I made it my business to remember almost everything my Rebbe did.
He did not dip his finger or pour from his cup on the seder night. If I recall correctly,he said that his family had a tradition that the Vilner Gaon did not. There are many halakhic reasons that could be given why one might not(especially since this is not a minhag mentioned by most rishonim or the S'A), and no convincing reasons 'a pi halokho why someone should. S'faaradim and Teimanim also did not have this custom.
The Chabad custom is to pour from the cup to a broken dish.
The Ashkenism dip their finger. There is a 3 way argument as to which finger,ring,small and index. We follow the index because it is the finger of G-d.

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