Thursday, April 1, 2010


Q:Does sippur require pesach matzah and marror can you fulfill your mitzvah w/o them

A:Rabbi Sacks brings the Stiepler who says in Kehillos Yaakov that there is a proof from the gemara Pesachim 116b that sippur does depend on matzah and marror. The gemara questions how Rav Yosef and Rav Sheishes could recite the haggadah on behalf of others when they are blind and the gemara says a blind person is exempt. The gemara answers matzah nowadays is dirabanan so even blind people could exempt others. The gemara is puzzled if the gemara is referring to sippur why does it present support for Rav Yosef and Rav Sheishes from matzah. We see that the gemara understands that matzah and sippur are linked. Rabbi Sacks brings a machlokes between the Teshuvas Chesed Lavraham and Rav Ovadya Yosef the Teshuvas Chesed Lavraham says no matzah and marror you can not fulfill your mitzah of sippur Rav Ovadya Yosef argues and says you can fulfill your mitzvah of sippur w/o matzah and marror.

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